Day #4257 (Wed., Sept. 1, 2021) – Bobby Naps With Ginger

Bobby lied down next to Ginger today and had a nap (see photo to the left). As a result, he got to stay up a bit later this evening.

The schools are supposed to be sending the kids homework and things to study, but they are late in their delivery. Apparently they are updating the curriculum. They taught schools online last year, so can’t they just teach the same thing this year and maybe update it once a new curriculum becomes available? It doesn’t appear to be this simple. My wife has been purchasing textbooks online and teaching the kids from these books.

Bobby has been studying how to tell time as of late. Today my wife has been teaching him how to count with “little block” props. One block represents a digit. After you have ten blocks, then you can exchange those for a longer block, which is a joined version of ten smaller blocks.

Katie has been learning about “adverbs” and “adjectives” for her homework as of late.