Day #4267 (Sat., Sept. 11, 2021) – Symphony And Bobby
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My how times flies… 9/11 was 20 years ago today…
Bobby doesn’t like the Symphony class as much as we thought he would. It’s a new program for kids his age, so perhaps they just need to work out some “bugs”. We’ve decided to cancel it for him right now. He might show some interest in it once he gets a bit older. Katie really enjoys it…
My wife took the kids to the shed this afternoon for Halloween decorations. Up they go… With no socializing due to the pandemic, it’s something that the kids can do that is Halloween related, and yet will not involve interaction with others.
Bobby coaxes Maple into his room with cheese sticks (see photo to the left). She won’t follow him there if he doesn’t have any for her…
Katie was recommended as a lead in the Symphony class that she takes on Saturdays. She didn’t want to do it… She relented when the teacher said that it basically just involves taking the suggestions that the team recommends and implementing them.