Day #4298 (Tue., Oct. 12, 2021) – The Black Death
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Katie has a class assignment on “The Black Death”. She is very excited about it. I found an extensive video series on the subject at Amazon Prime, but it has hours of videos…a bit too much. They have a 45 minute History Channel video on the subject on YouTube, so that is a great place for her to start. We talked a bit about “The Black Death” this morning before Katie had to rush off to class.
The photo to the right shows Bobby’s latest art project. It’s called “Mr. Line – The Monster”.
There is a software glitch, so Bobby has not been able to access his programs as of late. This afternoon my wife found out that if you open Clever on another device (not a school issued iPad), it works. Bobby is able to access SeeSaw. iReady still doesn’t work though.