Day #4307 (Thu., Oct. 21, 2021) – Mississippi Hot Dogs

I made some bacon this morning. There doesn’t seem to be much left on the pan after you drain away the fat. I gave some to Katie and Bobby, who were very happy (they love bacon!).

My wife showed me some of the things that Bobby is learning in violin class. The teacher is teaching him how to bow, and how to hold the violin. The first song that they will be doing is “Mississippi Hot Dogs”, and Bobby is currently counting out the various syllables in the words and clapping.

This evening we saw a YouTube video where two guys played famous violin pieces (i.e. “TwoSetViolin Channel) and showed a graphic on the names of the songs. This is good to know. Some of these songs are so famous that they are played all over the place, but very few people know the names of them.

I put Bobby to bed this evening. We are reading a book about Ancient Rome called “Hour of the Olympics”.