Day #4321 (Thu., Nov. 4, 2021) – Teaching Bobby To Hold The Bow
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Bobby was up early watching a “King Kong” cartoon on the television this morning. He was eating bananas on the LazyBoy. I asked him if he was planning to become “King Kong” by eating so many bananas.
My wife drove Bobby to his violin teacher this morning. She took my car as the van is still in the shop. The teacher showed Bobby how to hold the bow.
As they were getting the van ready for pickup, they noticed that there was more oil dripping than they had initially thought. The result? An extra $200 to fix the leak…
I picked the Genshin Impact printouts I made at Staples this afternoon (see photo to the right). They met me at the curb…curbside pickup they call it.
Katie got straight A’s in her report card today. She even got an A in math. In some ways this pandemic has been good for the kids?
My wife got an appointment fort he kids to get their COVID vaccine shot this Saturday.
I put Bobby to bed this evening. We are reading a book about buffalos (ie: bison).