Day #4323 (Sat., Nov. 6, 2021) – The Kids Get COVID Vaccine Shots
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My wife took the kids to the doctor to get the COVID-19 vaccine this morning (see photo to the left). After almost two long years, it looks like we are about to turn the corner. As a reward, the kids got to choose a sticker prize from the basket. Bobby got a “Hot Wheels” sticker while Katie got a “Frozen” sticker.
My wife suggested, and they made the Chinese instruction class this afternoon only one hour long, but it was rather boring. I guess part of the session was just one kid reading a story to the others. No videos or such like they usually have. The kids were bored so my wife let them leave early. She will give them Roblox dollars if they pay attention during the next few lessons, but it doesn’t look like we will be renewing these lessons once they expire.
Remember that tree branch that fell on the roof a while back? Well my wife dragged it off the roof today.
The kids felt fine after getting their shots, but Bobby started to develop a headache towards the end of the day. We put him to bed early and I felt his forehead, which was burning up… He will be able to sleep off the effects of the vaccine and will feel great tomorrow.