Day #4338 (Sun., Nov. 21, 2021) – Labyrinth Movie
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We finished watching the “Labyrinth” movie this afternoon. It’s a mid-80s movie and you can sure see how technology has changed over the years. The green screen effects were horrible, and with no CGI they relied mostly on Jim Henson’s muppets. After the movie I showed Katie what David Bowie looked like back in his “Stardust” days. This led to videos of Alice Cooper and then “The Sweet”.
My wife has been into priming and painting the walls today. Bobby even helped out (see photo to the right). Bobby was not really into coloring the walls with drawings and such, but Katie really loved to decorate them when she was growing up.
Aldi is out of apple juice in large bottles, so we have resorted to getting juice packs. This brought back memories of all the juice packs that we used to get at Trader Joe’s back in the day.