Day #4358 (Sat., Dec. 11, 2021) – Two Concerts

Two weeks from today the kids received their second COVID vaccine shot, so today, they can “officially” go out in public “without” worry…

The kids had two concerts today. For starters, Bobby had a group class with his classmates (see photo to the left). This was the first time that she got to see the rest of his violin classmates in person.

Katie had a viola concert this evening (see photo to the left). It was held in a church in Durham, near Duke University. My wife, Bobby and I sat at the back of the church while Katie sat up closer to the stage. Bobby was kind of fuss, which proved to be a bit of a challenge. After the concert was over, they had cookies and refreshments.

On the drive home we got the kids a Happy Meal at McDonalds. We also got a box of nuggets, but the kids were full so we put them in the fridge for tomorrow (we heated them up in the air dryer and they turned out great).

We all went to bed rather early this evening. Tomorrow we will be leaving early for the zoo…time to rest.