Day #4359 (Sun., Dec. 12, 2021) – Asheville Zoo

We left for the Asheboro Zoo at 7:30 am this morning. The kids each had an iPad, in which my wife downloaded some movies for them to watch. This kept them entertained, although we had to ask Bobby to stop talking. Even when he has his earphones on, and there is nobody to talk to, he talks… He loves to talk…

I stopped off at McDonalds for a cup of coffee…

Bobby got car sick as soon as we arrived at the zoo and got out of the van. We gave him a motion sickness tablet, and he drove for over an hour, so what’s up with that? Oh well… He was a bit fussy, and was asking when we were going home, so my wife gave him some corn puffs and he was raring to go…

Exhibit-wise, we started off with North America… Soon after we arrived we reached the seals exhibit, which Katie said was her favorite. It’s too bad we live so far away, Katie would love to work at the zoo…

We heard this “yelping” sound, which I thought were hyenas. They don’t have hyenas, so perhaps they were red foxes?

At the “Junction” we decided to eat. We promised the kids that they could eat whatever they wanted, and they sure did… They each had a hot dog with fries and some lemonade (in a cool souvenir aluminum cup). Bobby bought some cotton candy, and Katie got a rice krispie treat. The kids even tried out a “wind tunnel” that simulated the winds of Africa (see photo to the left).

My legs were tired, but doing fine, but my toes were hurting as I have not used these shoes since Disney. I decided to sit it out. I went to the end of the African exhibit, but everything was closed, so I went back to the junction. The kids got to see elephants and rhinos and other African animals.

We left the park close to 4 pm. I was tired, but fine to drive home. There was enough battery power to play some games on the drive home, so the kids were happy.