Day #307 (Sat., Nov. 6, 2010) – Body Surf the Keyboard
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Rainy miserable day today…a good day to stay inside…but I have to brave the elements to get organic cottage cheese and organic yogurt for little Katie. I picked up some organic asparagus while I was at Whole Foods. Let’s see where this one lands on the “Hit Parade of Tastes”.
Little Katie sure loves the little Yamaha Keyboard (photo to the left) that we picked up at the “Kid-To-Kid” Store in Cary. It was deep discounted at $7.00 and little Katie will turn it on, select a rhythm, turn the volume way up, and “body surf” the keyboard. She turns it up so loud that it starts to hurt her ears and she starts to cry. My wife and I are not too keen on the loudness either.
We had another Skype session with my mother this afternoon. She is amazed at how quickly little Katie is growing. To end the call I give the cordless phone to little Katie and let her “play with it”. When she happens to find the “end call” button, well, the call is over…
It’s that time of the year to take out the air conditioning units in the windows. These little units seem to get heavier and heavier each and ever year.
I was watching the television this evening and all of a sudden I heard this loud bang from the playyard. I leaned over and little Katie was eying a ball that she had just thrown clear across the playyard. She went and got it and picked it up and threw it again. Little Katie has learned a new skill.
1) Little Katie threw a ball across the playyard today.