Day #4368 (Tue., Dec. 21, 2021) – Hillsborough Swimming Pool
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My wife took the kids to the Hillsborough swimming pool this morning. There were few people there. Bobby loved it, but Katie did not…it was too cold for her.
The photo to the left shows the dog chews that I picked up for Maple at Trader Joe’s yesterday. Let’s hope she likes them…they were rather expensive. I also picked up some cat chews for the cats.
It was a very rainy day today. We let Ginger inside as she was beside the gate and soaking.
I picked my car up this afternoon. I had to pay for the inspection, and an oil change, but there were no major things that needed to be repaired.
We are fearing that school will be in lockdown again… We were hoping that Katie could get some new friends when she went back to school next month, but we’re not sure now… We found an online site where she can text girls her age. This is one more option for her to find friends, given the conditions that we find ourselves in these days.
I bought some Cocoa Puffs when I was at Wegman’s yesterday. The kids tried them today and loved them.