Day #4371 (Fri., Dec. 24, 2021) – Drive In Spiderman
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Today is the last day of the Advent Calendars. Time to pack them away so that we can use them next year. With the boxes already made, now I only have to update the cover pictures and fill the boxes with goodies.
My wife took Bobby, Katie, and Maple to see Brin and give her a Christmas present. She gave Bobby one as well. Brin is a girl in Bobby’s online school class. She told her mother that she is going to marry Bobby one day.
I’m still trying to figure out how to take great videos from my car without the camera or dashcam vibrating… I’ve tried various things but it looks like it’s coming back to creating a platform for my tripod with vibration free pads underneath the legs. This is what worked during the summer, but I needed to mount the camera on the top of the car. Trying to find a solution so that I can have the camera inside the car with me.
The coffee mugs arrived. They are HUGE… Two for my wife and I (2nd Season Streaming on COVID+), a FNAF (i.e.: Five Nights At Freddy’s) one for Bobby, and a Genshin Impact one for Katie.
Times are a changing… We used Alexa to update us on where Santa is this year. We used to call up the Norad hotline on the phone.
I took Bobby to see the movie “Spiderman – No Way Home” at the Carraway Drive-In this evening. We had lots of snacks to enjoy, but he wanted to go home after about an hour. He was complaining about his stomach… I thought at first he ate too much candy, but he got excited as soon as I said we would go home… It was just too long a movie for him. At any rate, he got to experience a drive-in movie, that was the main point. This drive-in theater will be gone before too long…
Time to pack the “Elves on the Shelf” away… They flew home to be with “Santa”…