Day #308 (Sun., Nov. 7, 2010) – “Put the Frog Back” Game
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It’s funny how you can have a lot to write about one day and not so much the next. I think there is always a lot to write about…but you just don’t remember it when it comes time to record it. To try and rectify this situation I have placed a paper and pen near the playyard so that I will be able to write all her little antics down.

Little Katie and I played the “hide the frog in the activity table” this morning (see photo to the right). Like usual, I hid the frog in the little compartment and she went and got it. This time there was a twist…she put the frog back! First time she had done that.
We went to Lowe’s for groceries this afternoon. Little Katie fit in the top section of the shopping cart (where I used to fit as a youngster when I went to the grocery store). Lots to see and observe…she was quiet for the most part while in the store. Once we get back into the car…watch out. She becomes a very chatty creature… My wife thinks that she is telling us all that she saw.
1) Little Katie becomes very chatty once back in the car.