Day #4384 (Thu., Jan. 6, 2022) – Bobby To Dentist

Bobby went to see the same dentist that my wife and I have and he did spectacular. They were very impressed with how he behaved, so he received two gifts upon checkout. It’s much cheaper than the alternatives as well, so we are very happy.

I helped Bobby with his homework this afternoon. You can see him writing out sentences in the photo to the right.

We are waiting for Katie’s clothes from JC Penney and my Ninja Blender from Amazon. The UPS guy said that he dropped it off at our door, but it is nowhere to be seen. My wife and I even drove out to the house in Meadowmont that sometimes gets our stuff, but it was not there either.

Katie has a new full length room for her bedroom, so she is elated.

I stopped off at Trader Joe’s this evening for groceries. Bobby had a request for lots of drinkable yogurt. While at Harris-Teeter I picked the kids up some “cow tails”, a carmel treat with cream in the middle. It was late when I got home so I will give it to them tomorrow.