Day #4397 (Wed., Jan. 19, 2022) – Counting Homework
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I helped Bobby with his counting homework this afternoon (see photo to the left). I told him that I used to have to do this with pen & paper back in the “old” days.
Bobby was in a very playful mood this evening. He was running in and out of the various room playing a game of hide & seek with daddy. I would pretend that I didn’t see him and then come around the corner and scare him. It will be good for him to get back into the classroom and meet other boys his age to play games like this.
Katie is very excited about starting school again next week. She asked her mom to help her do her nails for class.
Bobby has been asking for the cans of mango and pineapple juice that I picked up at Trader Joe’s the other day. He said that his favorite was the pineapple. He also mentioned to pick them up when I talked to him yesterday, so I know that he really likes them.
There is talk of another winter storm rolling into town in a few days…