Day #4399 (Fri., Jan. 21, 2022) – Katie Gets A Phone!
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Snow’s a coming, so I went to Trader Joe’s to stock up on milk, but they were out… For some reason they are out of milk in every grocery store around town. A lady grabbed the last chocolate milk as I was moving down the lane to get it.
I also stopped off at Harris-Teeter for the strawberry shortcake that Katie loves, and got some popsicles for Bobby. They had a sale on homemade pizza, so I picked up one as well (see photo to the right). I had to bake it in the oven, but the kids loved it (just sauce and cheese no spices).
Today is the last day of online classes for the kids. They will be starting school in-person next week.
Katie’s new iPhone arrived today. She will need once to keep in touch with us as she is starting middle school in a few days. We have a new microwave for the kitchen as well. You can have it bake things by asking Alexa to cook it for so many minutes.