Day #4409 (Mon., Jan. 31, 2022) – School Pickup Experiment
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I decided to perform a bit of an experiment today in regards to picking Bobby up. Instead of leaving the house early, and being near the front of the line, I decided to leave the house later and get behind the “pack” of cars. The advantage of this is that you can stay home later, but you need to wait in line more as you are at the “end of the pack” of parents picking their kids up (see photo to the right). For some reason today they didn’t record my pickup number, so when I arrived at the pickup point they had to call Bobby to come out of the school.
All in all, I think it’s better to leave the house early. You get a chance to read a book while you wait, and it also means that Bobby doesn’t have to wait longer in school than he has to. All in all, leaving the house earlier is the best option, but if you do have to leave the house later, it’s not a really terrible option.
My wife mentioned to me that Katie gets real nervous before she gets out of the van to attend school. She mentioned that it’s particularly bad on Monday’s. I mentioned that you just need to make sure that it doesn’t affect your life. Like one book mentioned, “Feel the fear and do it anyway”. In doing some research I was amazed that everyone from Betty White to Rhianna to Lady Gaga to Taylor Swift get nervous before they go on stage.