Day #4413 (Fri., Feb. 4, 2022) – The “Spam” Skit

The Winter Olympics in Beijing start today.  

I picked Bobby up this afternoon.  On the drive home he told me that he had art class with Mrs. Fox today.  They are building a lion out of wood and glue.  Today they build the body and next week they will  build the head.

The photo to the left shows some Lance’s crackers.  Bobby loves these in his lunch, but they are not 100% healthy, so we don’t get them very often.  He used to get them from the vending machine at the swimming pool.

When we got home Bobby wanted french fries and hot dogs.  I made sure to make extra for Katie when she gets home from school.

Katie told me that they went to the school library today with Mr. Wooten.

This evening Katie and I watched an episode of the Shark Tank on television.  One couple had the idea of a bridal flower bouquet that is actually a drink with flowers on top.  Both Katie and I thought it was a stupid idea…but three Sharks invested in it.

I also showed Katie the Monty Python skit about “Spam”.  It was because of this skit that the word “Spam” got associated with unwanted email.