Day #4427 (Fri., Feb. 18, 2022) – Miss Crosetto Meeting

I finished the taxes for my company this morning.  Nice to get that done.  The sooner we get this in, the sooner we will get our return.

I picked up Bobby this afternoon.  On the drive home he told me that he had chicken nuggets for school lunch.  He said that they are already ready for him in a dish of about 5-6.

Bobby also mentioned that he finished the lion that he was doing in art class.  He said he also got the chance to paint it.  Not sure when he will be able to bring it home.

On the drive home I noticed that my windshield wipers were frayed, so later today I went to the auto supply store to get a new pair (see photo to the left).

In regards to the meeting today with Miss Crosetto, Katie said that it went well.  When Katie told her that she was looking for new friends, Miss Crosetto told her to look around and see who she would like to befriend, and let her know if she needed any more advice.  Katie told me that she has two girls in her theatre group, Camilla and Helena, that she is interested in befriending.