Day #313 (Fri., Nov. 12, 2010) – Behaving Strangely
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People at work asked me if I had an exciting weekend planned. That pretty much depends on little Katie as she is calling the shots these days.
We are busily determining what gift we should get little Katie for the Lithuanian Christmas Party. We decided upon a Christmas Activity book. She loves books. It should be here in a couple of days.
My wife sent me this email when I was at work:
Katie is strange today. I woke up at 7:45am to the sound of her waterfall soother. She sure can entertain herself. She was happily chatting. She played a little bit in the playyard and got really fussy. I thought – she must be hungry. I tried giving her cottage cheese+ yogurt – she ate 2 tea-spoons. Then I tried prunes+oatmeal – she ate 1 tea-spoon. And still was screaming. Then I changed her – she started pulling her ears and rubbing her eyes – just 1.5 hours after she got up from having good long sleep… So I put her to bed… She is pretty quiet there. She is not sleeping, but not screaming either… I have no clue what’s happening.
Your child is really acting weird today…

At around 9:15 or so Katie got really quiet – I wouldn’t be surprised if she napped for a few minutes. Then she started crying, then laughing, then chatting… I picked her up, she played, ate all portion of cottage cheese, finished plums+oatmeal and had a spoon of yogurt. As if she was starving for days! I just put her back to bed – we’ll see…
Little Katie had a #2 three times today (thanks to prune-oatmeal jar she had yesterday I think), so I gave her a bath and she is sleeping now. She should be up and running when you get home.
Did I mention that one of little Katie’s favorite activities is “catalog ripping”? You can see the finished product in the photo to the right. Bet the good folks at JC Penney never thought their catalog would suffer such a fate… People would think we had a rat in the house…not a chipmunk.
This evening little Katie and I went through the regular play routine. I ate while my wife played with her in the playyard. When I was done we switched places. I watched a bit of the news while I played with little Katie, then we turned the television off. My wife doesn’t want her to watch to much television. I joked, what do you expect her to do while she is eating her french fries?
1) Little Katie is behaving strange these days.
(footnote: It’s probably understood…but just in case…little Katie doesn’t eat french fries).