Day #4432 (Wed., Feb. 23, 2022) – Basketball Net Is Up!
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The photo to the left shows the Spiderman hand sanitizer and popup toy that adorn Bobby’s backpack these days.
When I picked Bobby up at 2:30 pm this afternoon he told me that he had chicken terriyaki and brocolli for school lunch, along with an apple and of course, chocolate milk. He didn’t like the chicken terriyaki much, which I suspected as it has sauce on it… He tends to like “plain” food.
Bobby also mentioned that he had recess inside today as it was raining. He proceeded to tell me about the various toys that they can play with when they have recess inside. He told me that the likes the magnetic blocks the most as you can build things, but they also have Legos and dolls for the girls to play with.
I told Bobby that I purchased some goldfish crackers at Sam’s club so that we can replenish Mrs. Zayad’s stash.
When we got home from school I told him that he could not play with the iPad as this was reserved for after violin class. We ended up watching “Ninja Kids”… I remember when Bobby used to watch these YouTube videos all the time.
Katie’s online fashion design class was cancelled this evening.
The basketball net is up… We purchased a $300 one from Amazon. Now we will not have to walk to the end of the street to “shoot hoops”.
Around 11 pm this evening Russia invaded Ukraine and started to bomb Kiev…