Day #4469 (Fri., Apr. 1, 2022) – April Fools!

It’s April Fools Day today!  I went into Bobby’s room and told him that I just saw the possum sleeping with the cats downstairs.  He didn’t seem to quite understand what the “hub bub” was all about, so I explained the concept behind April Fools Day to him.  I then told him that she should go and try to see if her sister would fall for it…  He proceeded to go to Katie’s room and tell her that he just saw a copperhead snake.  I tried to video the event and as soon as Katie saw me videoing, well, the “jig was up”…

The kids and I went outside playing twice this afternoon.  With the rain we had yesterday, and the coolness of today, the pollen has subsided, and it was quite a nice day outside.  Katie played some basketball and Bobby threw around the styrofoam glider, while I threw Maple and Ginger the tennis ball.

Later today Katie and Bobby were looking for something to cook.  One easy thing to cook, which I know they both enjoy, is a grilled cheese, so I showed them how to make that.

Later this evening Katie’s stomach started to act up.  I think it’s due to the fact that she will be going back to school on Monday.  I told her that she will be able to discuss drama club with her teacher, and that cheered her up.