Day #4473 (Tue., Apr. 5, 2022) – First Drama Club Meeting

The photo to the left shows the frozen treats that I picked up at Wegman’s yesterday.  Bobby likes the chocolate ones on the top and Katie just loves the strawberry ones on the bottom.  It reminds me of my childhood when I loved strawberry Rosemary cakes and my sister loved the chocolate version.

Bobby had nachos for lunch today at Glenwood.  Bobby hated them, but he said that his best friend Jack suggested he try them.  He went on to elaborate that hamburger and cheese is not a good combo for him and Jack almost got him to watch while he threw up.

Bobby had music class this afternoon.  Bobby said that this is his 2nd most hated class…

Katie met with the Drama Club after school today for the first time.  She said that they had her clean out the storage room.