Day #4474 (Wed., Apr. 6, 2022) – Best Friend Jack

The photo to the left shows some new dog treats that I picked up for Maple at Trader Joe’s.  Alas, she doesn’t like these ones either…  When I was a kid our dog ate EVERYTHING!!!

On the drive to Glenwood this morning Bobby told me that his best friend at Glenwood is Jack.  It used to be Atticus, but since they don’t see each other too much these days, Jack has risen to the top of the list.

He had a “Sunbutter & Jelly” sandwich for school lunch today.  When we got home he wanted me to make him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  He had me cut it in four pieces, in the “X” formation.

After school Bobby had a playdate with Cal.  He was not excited about it as he has been in the past as Cal scared him with a spider on Sunday and would not stop.  In the end he did go over to Cal’s house for the playdate, and there didn’t appear to be any drama…

Cal’s parents have invited us over for pizza on Friday.

Katie told me that she sat with Editi at lunch today.  Editi is becoming Katie’s best friend at Phillips.