Day #4475 (Thu., Apr. 7, 2022) – Paper Pig

I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning.  He could not find his mask when I let him out.  The Chinese lady who opened the door said that he could get one at the door, but apparently he went to class without one.  My wife emailed the school and Miss Zayad said that she gave him a cloth mask, but got one out of his backpack for him to wear.  Upon closer examination there was a mask on his booster seat, but it was the same color as the seat belt so he apparently didn’t see it.

Bobby told me that David, Samuel, and Beatrice sit at his table in Miss Zayad’s class.  David & Samuel are Chinese and Beatrice is white.  He said he likes Samuel as he is the fastest to get his homework done.  He likes David as he is friendly and always talks to him.  He doesn’t like Beatrice much as she is always telling him what to do…even if he already knows what to do.

I picked up Bobby after school today.  He showed me this little “pig” that he made in Miss Zayad’s class (see photo to the right).

This afternoon it was announced that Tiffany Cheshire would be the new president of the Phillips school that Katie attends.  She was formerly the vice president.

Katie had Drama Club after school today.  She got to work on the lighting (as well as clean up the storage area).  Drama Club goes for two hours after school, so my wife took Bobby to violin class and then came back and picked up Katie at school.  Starting next week both viola/violin classes will be on Mondays.