Day #4484 (Sat., Apr. 16, 2022) – Pixy Sticks & Bomb Pops
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The kids went to a violin recital by Katherine (not our daughter, Katie) this morning. Katie said that it took longer than expected because she was filming herself.
My wife told me that Bobby behaved himself very well in violin/viola class this morning…which is surprising in the fact that he played video games this morning. We thought that playing video games before class was the problem… Go figure…
I was feeling bad in the fact that I was unable to get Pixy Sticks at the Dollar Store for the Daddy/Son Day yesterday. So, I decided that I would go out looking for them. I went to three garages and “no go”… I even went to Harris-Teeter, but “zilch”. I wonder if there are supply chain issues in getting them from China? At any rate, I was able to get something that Bobby loved just as much. “Bomb Pops” (see photo to the right). As an extra bonus they were on sale!!! This was the first time I have seen them on sale!!!
Later this evening I organized the various Easter eggs and after the kids went to bed, I distributed them around the yard, front & back. I even left a note on the door (from the Easter Bunny) telling the kids that the eggs are within the gate.