Day #4495 (Wed., Apr. 27, 2022) – Bad Boy Flinn

On the drive to Glenwood this morning Bobby and I discussed how teachers keep order in the class.  In the “olden” days when I was in school, putting kids in the corner was a favored punishment.  If you were really bad, you got sent to the principal’s office where you might get the strap.  Bobby told me that one his first day of class, one boy in his class named Flinn would not stop sitting on the table, so the teacher took him to the principal’s office.

After dropping Bobby off I went to Harris-Teeter to get groceries.  We were out of milk, and I promised Bobby that I would get him some of the cherry vanilla ice cream he loved, but I also picked up some Easter cookies that were marked down (see photo to the left).

On the drove home this afternoon Bobby told me that he was the first kid in line at school lunch today as he was the only student who wanted a sun butter and jelly sandwich.  All of the other kids wanted macaroni and cheese.   Bobby asked me if America used to be a racist country and that lead to a long discussion of the subject.

Katie is interested in having Murren over during the weekend to go over the play that they are working on.  My wife said that Katie has to clean up the house first, but we’ll see how much Katie really wants to have Murren over when there is this stipulation…