Day #4496 (Thu., Apr. 28, 2022) – Only 2.1% US Population
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On the way to Glenwood this morning Bobby told me that his favorite school subject is math. He said that his worst is “personal narrative”, where you need to come up with stories about a subject the teacher mentions. He said that he can never think of what to say.
On the drive home from Glenwood this afternoon Bobby told me that Cal told him he was “special”. Bobby said that is getting tired of Cal asking for a play date with him. He said he needs a break from Cal.
For school lunch today Bobby had strawberry parfait. The alternative was chicken teriyaki, which Bobby said most of the kids seemed to prefer.
For physical education class today Bobby said that they played golf. He said he would have preferred to play with the parachute they had in the last class as they were able to make so many cool games out of it.
This afternoon we watched the show BattleBots. Katie and I used to watch this show quite a bit when she was growing up.
This evening Katie and I did personality type quizzes together. She is: “INTJ – Strategist” and I am “ISTJ – Detective”. The only difference is the N & S, which means:
N stands for iNtuition. As an Intuitive, you are more focused on abstract connections and underlying meanings than what’s obvious on the surface.
S stands for Sensation. As a sensing type, you rely on facts, tangible data, and life experience to guide you.
Later on in the evening I got an email regarding the test that Katie took. It said:
“As an INTJ, you are one of the rarest types in the Myers-Briggs® system. As only 2.1% of the US population, INTJs stand out for their visionary insights, strategic capabilities, and no-nonsense way of approaching life.”
My wife had her COVID-19 booster shot today so she was tired this evening and went to bed early. I put Bobby to bed. It was a bit of a challenge as he wanted to have Maple in his room, and then Katie came to tell me that water was overflowing in the bathroom. Eventually all got resolved.
My wife woke up later this evening. She took the personality test as well and came out as a ISFJ “Protector”