Day #4500 (Mon., May. 2, 2022) – Titanic Book
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We are keeping Bobby home from school today. He’s eating applesauce as this is gentle on his stomach. We learned that someone at Glenwood has the exact same thing as Bobby has…
This afternoon my wife took Katie to violin class while I stayed home with Bobby.
Bobby’s temperature has gone down to 99.1 degrees this afternoon, so he is getting better. Good enough to eat something other than applesauce. My wife made him a couple of Roti Rollups.
My wife picked up a book on the Titanic for Bobby (see photo the right). He’s really into it these days. I’m not sure what the fascination is with the Titanic for boys of Bobby’s age… It’s been well over 100 years since it sank.
Bobby’s temperature spiked to 101 this evening so we will keep him home from school tomorrow as well.