Day #4503 (Thu., May. 5, 2022) – Black Cat Screenplay
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I took Bobby to school this morning. Today is physical education day but he doesn’t think that they will be playing with the parachute in class.
Ginger still enjoys coming over to our house (see photo to the right).
When I picked Bobby up from school this afternoon, he told me that they played teams in gym class. Basketball was one station, but they also played a game where one person would throw a scarf and the other person would go ahead and catch it. You could only move when you were getting the scarf. Then the other person got the scarf. The game ended when you crossed the line.
They had pizza bagels for lunch today.
Bobby told me that he has kind of made up with Beatrice. At least she doesn’t tell him what to do all the time now. She is the tallest student in his class of 21 kids. He mentioned that Ari and he are the best students in his class.
Bobby had violin class this afternoon as he was sick on Monday, his usual class day. While they were away Katie and I talked about her screenplay “Black Cat”, and the best way to market it. There is a website out there called “ScriptMother” that helps you get peer reviews of your screenplays.