Day #316 (Mon., Nov. 15, 2010) – Standing Up In The Crib
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We got a package from Amazon today. It included the present that we will be giving little Katie at the Lithuanian Christmas Party. It’s a pop-out “touch and feel” Christmas book. Little Katie loves books and this one provides all sorts of activities. Books…they are not just for breakfast anymore…

We got a package from my in-laws today. Boots and mittens and a sweater for little Katie…even a book. Little Katie perked up when she saw the book so we gave it to her. We soon had to take it back. She was ripping of sections of the cover with those two incisor lower teeth (see photo to the left). She really is a little chipmunk.
My wife put little Katie to bed and she stood up by herself…for the first time in her crib… Luckily, she managed to sit down on her own. She heard that babies learn to stand up before they learn how to sit down from a standing position, but little Katie doesn’t seem to have a problem with that. Little Katie demonstrated her new skill about 10 times. Since she was shaking the drop-down side of the crib pretty badly, she turned the crib around so it faces the wall and Katie can hold onto the opposite side which seems much sturdier. When we put her to bed now hopefully she will sleep…not practice this new skill.
1) Little Katie can stand up in her crib now.