Day #4516 (Wed., May. 18, 2022) – Glenwood Cultural Night
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I picked Bobby up this afternoon and he told me that they had pizza for lunch today. He also told me that Lucy, a girl in his class, was back today after recovering from COVID. He was a bit wary of her as he said she was still coughing and almost passed out.
Mr. Yang gave Bobby two presents today for performance, a pen (see photo to the right) and a “slime” mace weapon. Although Bobby doesn’t like his class much, it appears he is doing well in it.
Bobby went for another dip in our backyard pool this afternoon even though it was a bit on the chilly side. My wife says to let him go into the pool after school if he wants to.
The big toenail on my right foot that I accidentally stubbed the other day is almost entirely off. Guess a new one will grow back eventually?
My wife took the kids to the Glenwood Cultural Night at Bobby’s school this evening. They had free pizza. Bobby told me that he had two slices and liked it. Katie also had a good time in that she met up with Tinsley, a girl from her class who is also looking for a best friend. Her mother is the head of the Glenwood PTA and her father is a neuro surgeon at Duke. I guess that Tinsley wants a good friend but is shy and is hiding behind her books… Sure looks like Katie’s visualizations are starting to pay off…