Day #4521 (Mon., May. 23, 2022) – Baby Opossum
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Bobby was not feeling well this morning so my wife took him for a COVID test at the facility on Homestead Road. The plan was that I was going to take Katie to school, but the test was done so quickly, my wife circled back and ended up taking Katie as well. Bobby will be staying home from school today.
I picked up Katie this afternoon (see photo to the left). She is stressing out a bit about the theater and orchestra performances that she will be having this week. More for the orchestra performance as she feels that she is not as good as most of the other students.
We need to come up with a plan in regards to the iPads. The kids would be on them 24/7 if we let them. It’s interesting that a lot of the companies an executives that made these things won’t let their own kids use them… Kind of tells you something. We had a big discussion about this this evening. The plan is to not let them have iPads until all their chores and activities like homework and viola/violin practice is done each evening. Then, and only then, can they play on the iPads. We may need to limit the amount of time that they play on them, but this is a worthy first step…
There was a baby opossum under our couch this evening. He must have come in from outside via the cat door. It actually bit Katie when she reached under the couch… We’re going to just close the doors and leave it for the night… Hopefully it will figure out how to go home…