Day #4533 (Sat., Jun. 4, 2022) – Bobby Gets His Booster
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My wife took Bobby to Walgreens after the kid’s viola/violin lesson this morning so Bobby could get his COVID booster shot. He picked out a couple of Bakugan toys (see photo to the left) as his “reward” for not putting up a fuss…
Speaking of viola/violin class, Katie helped the teacher lead the class today with his viola accompaniment.
We watched a bit of “Mary Poppins Returns” on the tv in in the living room this afternoon. My wife and her friend Jasmin took the kids to see the show in the “regular theater” a couple of years ago before COVID struck!
We’re taking care of Ginger this weekend. She loves to spend time outside for some reason. Maybe Maple doesn’t like her in the house?
This afternoon I showed Bobby a YouTube video in which the “Spy Kids” show how to use the Bakugan toys.
We’re running out of milk. I don’t feel well enough to go back and do errands just yet, so my wife will be going to Trader Joe’s tomorrow for supplies.