Day #4535 (Mon., Jun. 6, 2022) – Glenwood Field Day
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Bobby had his field day at Glenwood today. He told me that there was one particular race where you ran with a bucket of water on your head. The “field day experience” only lasted for two hours in the morning, then it was off to Miss Wu’s class for math. They did give the kids a cool water “flash” though (see photo to the right). Probably to ensure that they stayed hydrated during the hot day of activity.
Katie stayed home from school today as she is still not feeling her best. This evening I gave her a tour of the various sitcoms through the years on the tv in the living room. I showed her clips from Bewitched (she said she liked the concept), Different Strokes, Save By The Bell, and even All In The Family (where we watched the episode where Maude came to town). We talked about how “All In The Family” was different from the others in that it was filmed before a life audience, so the “laugh track” sounded more natural. I even showed her “The Trouble With Tracy”, which many consider to be the worst sitcom in history.