Day #4536 (Tue., Jun. 7, 2022) – Glenwood Talent Show
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I took Bobby to school this morning as I am feeling better. He took his violin to class today as they are having a talent contest.
Katie is home from school today. She is going to miss her school’s talent contest, which she is sad about. She will hopefully be able to go to school tomorrow, which is the last full day of school for this school year.
The first one up for the talent contest was Luke, who sung a song. Bobby was up second, playing his violin. When I picked him up this evening he forgot his violin so we had to check into the front office so he could go get it. You can see him running up the hallway with it in the photo to the right.
One of Bobby’s teachers is leaving for Phillips this year so they had a little going away party for her. Bobby told me that they played the song YMCA.