Day #4562 (Sun., July 3, 2022) – Ocracoke Picture
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We finished watching “Snowflake Mountain” this morning. Deandra won the $50,000!
The Ocracoke picture collage that Katie made and my wife posted into a Facebook group is shown to the right. At last count it had over 700 likes and over 70 comments. People love it!
This afternoon we all took a dip into the backyard pool. It doesn’t need to be large and deep, but it just needs to be cool. I’ll be taking the kids to the Clark Pool during the week while my wife works.
This evening I went to Trader Joe’s and Harris-Teeter to pick up some supplies for July 4th, which is tomorrow. Mainly I picked up a couple of pizzas and fixings for banana splits. We thought of going to Maple Dairy Farm, but why not save the COVID lineup hassles and expense and make them ourselves? I got some popsicles for the kids this evening but tomorrow I will be making the whole family banana splits!