Day #4563 (Mon., July 4, 2022) – Banana Splits
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Happy 4th of July! Someone shot a number of bystanders in Highland Park (outside Chicago) during a July 4th parade today.
Ginger spent the 4th of July with us as well. No sign of her family…
The kids had viola/violin class today and on the way home they were talking about the banana splits that I promised to make them… So, I made the family banana splits today (see photo to the left). The photo details the various steps I took.
1) Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry Ice Cream
2) Banana
3) Syrups
4) Whipped Cream
5) Sprinkles, Nuts, & Cherry
6) Finished Product
In the past we went to Maple View Farms on July the 4th, but why not dispense with the lineups, hassles, and prices! We can make them at home just as well. My wife and Bobby both loved them, but Katie didn’t think the chocolate syrup fit into the mix very well.
This afternoon we watched the movie “Lost City” with Sandra Bullock. Brad Pitt was in it as well, but he got killed off pretty soon into the movie. Bobby got bored at some point and went to his room to play on the iPad.
This evening the red microwave that we ordered from Amazon arrived. The order said that it wouldn’t be here for days, so we were surprised that it arrived at our doorstep. We looked on the back of it and it said “WalMart”… Did someone from our local Walmart deliver it? At any rate, the “red” color fits in well with the kitchen so we’re going to leave it there and I will take the old one to the bedroom to heat up my coffee. Heating coffee is pretty well all I ever do with it anyway, although I did heat up some microwave popcorn I got from Wegmans for Katie while she watched the movie this afternoon.