Day #4566 (Thu., July 7, 2022) – Tropical Blend

My wife had a noon phone call today so we waited for her before we all went to the Clark Pool.  There were a lot more people there today, about 10, when we arrived.

Bobby was able to swim underwater with no mask, and open his eyes, for the first time today.  We was really proud of that.  Bobby also got up on my shoulders in the pool for a brief period.  Katie did a great “summersault” under water today.

This afternoon my wife took the kids to the Ackland Museum in downtown Chapel Hill, after picking Tinsley up and stopping off at YoPop for a frozen treat.  Too bad they didn’t go tomorrow, as there will be a shipwreck exhibition which starts tomorrow.  My wife then dropped Katie off at Tinsley’s house and brought Bobby back home.

I went to get groceries this afternoon.  I made sure to pick up some Tropical Blend, a drink which Bobby has specifically requested (see photo to the right).  I also picked up some popsicles, which are always a favorite with the kids.