Day #4577 (Mon., July 18, 2022) – Skateboarder Drawing

The kids had their viola/violin class this morning.  They were on extra good behavior as their “Switch” is coming on Thursday. 

While they were away I played some of my Beatles 45 RPM records on my new portable record player.  Maple, as usual, was at the front door waiting for them to come home…

I made a couple of waffles with whipped cream and “bobo balls”.  As I was passing in the hallway to go to my bedroom I happened to poke my head into Bobby’s room and show him what I had.  He proceeded to take them from me as he thought they were for him.  He had lunch and dessert so I thought he was full, but apparently not.  So, I made a couple for Bobby as well.

The drawing to the right shows Katie’s latest creation!  A skateboarder!

We learned that Genevieve and her husband are expecting another child.  I bet it is a boy as they only have boys in the dad’s family line…

I’m not sure why but people in this house keep the front door open.  Do they forget?  Do they think Maple will wander out and play?  Not sure…  At any rate, we got an email about snakes…  Our neighbors mentioned that…

a couple of years ago we had a copperhead get in the front door. I had propped it open for one of our daughters dogs. My husband killed it in our front hall. We also had a six foot black snake living under our back step. We paid a company out of Raleigh to come out. He caught the black snake and took it away just so I did not trip over it coming out my back door. He comes once a month and sets mouse traps and checks for snakes. He has removed several over the years.He said do not leave bird seed out or dog food as it draws mice and the snakes are looking for the mice. We no longer have a bird feeder, We also had a copperhead living under the roof of our pump house of our water well…

If this doesn’t prompt you to keep the doors shut I don’t know what will…