Day #4585 (Tue., July 26, 2022) – Bobby Makes A Pancake
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Katie was not feeling well this morning so only Bobby and I went to the pool. There was a girl there who looked just like Katie. I talked to her mother and she said that she was 11, a year younger than Katie. Maybe they will meet next time we go to the pool, maybe tomorrow.
I got the chance to talk to Bobby about a couple of things while we swam away. I told him about the first video game, which was “Pong”, and how it worked. He had the look of “pretty lame” as I described it… 🙂 They have all the graphics and processor power in the games today to make the old ones look terrible!
As we were leaving I asked Bobby if he wanted to go to Harris-Teeter and get some of the curly fries (i.e.: like a “pigs tail”) that he says are his favorite. He declined as he wanted to go home and have a pancake (see photo to the left). He had learned to make his own pancakes in the toaster now and is very proud of this fact.
This afternoon I was going to have a game of “Asphalt Legends” with the kids but they could not get the controllers to work. We decided to have a drawing contest instead. Ethan Johnston called as we were getting ready so it was down to Katie and I. We drew a mommy and a baby giraffe in a barn. Katie dictated what to draw so my giraffes were not the best… 🙂