Day #4593 (Wed., Aug. 3, 2022) – Aldi Opens!
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My arm was hurting this morning due to the “Shingles Vaccine” I got yesterday. I also started to feel sick, so I went to bed. I felt great when I got up from my nap, but my arm still hurt… 🙂
While I was sleeping my wife and Katie went to the new Aldi in Chapel Hill. It’s supposedly a larger store than the one in Durham. Apparently there were not many people there. This is the first time that Katie and my wife have stepped inside an Aldi. It’s nice to have one closer. It will probably be our main grocery store moving forward. What we can’t get at Aldi we will pick up at Trader Joe’s. We will also probably be going to Harris-Teeter on occasions.
This afternoon Bobby showed me the creek that he is making. Basically a hole with a garden hose that lets water drain down the side of the hill in our front yard (see photo to the left). I told him that if he kept the water running it would eventually end up in the creek in our back yard.
Later in the afternoon we all got together in the living room to play “Asphalt Legends”. No mater how hard we tried Katie and Bobby were consistently better than my wife and I.