Day #326 (Thu., Nov. 25, 2010) – First American Thanksgiving
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Today is little Katie’s first American Thanksgiving. Too bad she can’t enjoy the turkey and sides like my wife and I. Her “mush” will have to do…

My wife and I got talking about creating a comic book series called “Action Chipmunk”. It stars a baby who is pretty much helpless during the day (i.e.: needs to be fed and cries a lot)…but during the night she transforms in to “Action Chipmunk”, a super-hero who is tasked with solving the world’s problems.
I put the turkey breast in the rotisserie an made some green bean casserole (see photo to the left). While my wife made cranberry sauce I tried to feed little Katie. It wasn’t working out too well til we cut up some cheese and put it with some yogurt on the high chair table. Little Katie was able to feed herself (although a considerable amount appeared on her hands and mouth).
I called my mother up to tell her that we got my wife’s travel documents, so we will definitely be home for Christmas. Little Katie enjoyed watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV while we talked. My mother was amazed at how much she is talking now.
When little Katie got up from her afternoon nap we took a drive to the INS office in Durham. My wife will be getting her fingerprints for her Green Card tomorrow and she wanted to know where it was located. I will probably drive her and little Katie, but just in case, she now knows where it is.
My wife was planning on nursing little Katie this evening and when I left the room she cried with tears in her eyes. My wife thinks that she is really becoming a daddy’s girl.
1) Little Katie had three accidents today.