Day #4608 (Thu., Aug. 18, 2022) – Aldi Grand Opening
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Early this morning my wife took Katie to the Grand Opening of the Chapel Hill Aldi. Since they were amongst the first 100, they received a bag of free groceries (see photo to the left). Bobby didn’t want to go so he stayed at home.
Later this morning my wife organized a play date for Bobby with a couple of Chinese boys who live in the neighborhood. They have an older sister, who is a year or two younger than Katie, but my wife told me that they didn’t talk much.
The 17-year old Roblox programmer from England that I met via Fiverr delivered his Roblox game to me this morning, so I spent some time playing it and giving feedback. He did a good job. I’m going to see if he can incorporate some of the “Five Nights At Freddy’s Characters” to jump out from behind the various belongings and scare the participants. Bobby mentioned that he would like that feature.
I went to get some groceries at Harris-Teeter this afternoon. The cashier asked me if I wanted to claim the 5% senior citizen discount. I didn’t know they had one. Yes please!
I spent a lot of time shredding documents today. I’m almost done shredding all the documents in the filing cabinet in the basement. Once this is done I can more ahead and deal with the boxes.