Day #4609 (Fri., Aug. 19, 2022) – Otter Drawing
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There was a bit of drama this morning. Katie was in Bobby’s Roblox game and made a ship. Bobby and Ethan copied it and started to make their own. Katie was upset as she ws not asked before hand. My wife and I had to step in to resolve the issue.
Tinsley’s mom emailed my wife this afternoon wanting to know if Katie wanted to go to a concert at the Carolina Inn this evening. Unfortunately, Katie has a drawing class, so she had to decline.
Off all the bananas that I picked up yesterday at Harris-Teeter there is only one left. Bobby has gone on one of his “banana eating sessions” again. I asked my wife to keep them on the counter rather than putting them in the handing rack near the fridge. In this way Bobby can get to them and it’s much better for him to eat things like bananas than candy.
I had the kids help me bring up some boxes from the basement this afternoon. I have some time on my hands now and am into shredding all the old documents that I no longer need in an “attempt” to get the basement organized. About six boxes of documents in all. It’s going to be a bit of a “long haul” as our shredder has started to cause us some problems. It’s slower now, and seems to overheat more often. I wonder if we are going to have to get a new one? I sure miss the shredding machines that we used to have at the bank. When you think of all the financial printouts they have you can understand why they need high-powered shredding machines.
Katie had her drawing class this evening. She drew the otter in the photo to the left.