Day #4610 (Sat., Aug. 20, 2022) – Freaky Friday!

This morning I showed Katie and Bobby the three cereals “Count Chocula”, “Franken Berry” and “Boo Berry” that I picked up at Harris-Teeter the other day (see photo to the right). They loved them!

Later in the day I showed the Roblox game that the 17-year old programmer from England created for me to Katie and Bobby. I named it the “Hunt & Find Treasure Race” and published it to Roblox so that the kids could access it on their iPads. They loved it! In playing we found a “bug” or “glitch” or “enhancement”, being that they can both play at the same time against the computer. This means that if there are six items to pick up, they can each pick up three while the computer has to pick up six. Kind of a nice “team” feature, but I don’t think it was intended this way.

This afternoon I went to Chick-Fil-A to get our typical take-out meal and we sat around the tv in the living room and watched the movie “Freaky Friday”, about a mother and her daughter who switch bodies. Hilarious!