Day #4616 (Fri., Aug. 26, 2022) – Mall Shopping
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This morning my wife took Katie & Bobby to their violin class and they stopped off for a flu shot on the way home. I will need to get one next.
The photo to the right shows the tasty “Rose” ice cream cones that I picked up at Aldi last night. Another great find at Aldi!
When my wife got back from Chinese class there was a question on whether we should go to the Clark Pool this afternoon. It is after all, close to the swimming season being over. Katie mentioned that her arm hurt due to the flu shot, so my wife took her clothes shopping at the mall instead. Bobby was having a nap when they left. When he got up I gave him a bag of watermelon gummies. I gave Katie a package of peach gummies earlier in the day.
There is a bit of drama regarding Glenwood this year. Apparently they are short in teaching staff, so the kids will not have the option of eating outside at lunchtime this year. They say that they don’t have anyone to supervise them. We emailed the principal and district this evening, and it might end up that we need to pick Bobby up at lunch time … at least for the time being.