Day #4620 (Tue., Aug. 30, 2022) – Lunch With Bobby
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Today was a busy day at Glenwood for daddy. I dropped Bobby off at school, then I ate lunch with him at school, then I picked him up from school.
As far as lunch with Bobby is concerned, I needed to go to Glenwood and check him out. I met Allie, Ethan’s mom, in the parking lot and gave her one of the spare boosters we have as we won’t be needing them any longer. So I checked Bobby out and Allie checked Ethan out. We sat at the picnic tables in front of the school so that the kids could eat their lunch. At first we ate at separate tables, but after texting my wife, we moved over to the same table with the kids eating at separate ends of the table.
I got to talk to Ethan and he plays left-handed guitar and his favorite musician is Paul McCartney. He told me that his favorite food is sour gummies.
After having lunch with Bobby I drove to Harris-Teeter to pick up some groceries. We were out of white bread, and since Bobby is into turkey & tomato sandwiches, this was a “must get”. I also picked up a Canadian bacon & pineapple pizza as this was a real hit with the kids the last time I bought it.
Before long it was time to go back to Glenwood (for the third time today) and pick Bobby up. You can see him in the photo to the left along with his music teacher Miss Coleman. Walker, who helps take the kids to the cars, is in the background.
This evening Katie played the viola in her room as she said it was cleaner and she can focus better. No talk of Murren or school drama, which is a pleasant change.