Day #4624 (Sat., Sept. 3, 2022) – Forest Theater
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The family spent a lot of today cleaning up the house. My wife focused on the living room, dining room, and kitchen, while I focused on my bedroom. Bobby didn’t help much as he was tired and slept for most of the afternoon. Makes his daddy proud… 🙂
My wife took the kids to the Forest Theater this evening (see photo to the right). I dropped them off and picked them up in the van. It’s easier this way as if they parked and went to see it they would have a long walk just to get back to the car. My wife and Katie enjoyed it but Bobby got bored and asked if he could play on the iPad 1/2 way through the performance.
While the family was at the show I went to Walmart to pick up some groceries. I picked up a dozen donuts for the kids for under $5…quite the deal and the kids love them. I also got a chance to see the new Food Lion that they built just before Fearrington Village.