Day #4625 (Sun., Sept. 4, 2022) – Amazing Interiors
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We did a lot more cleaning around the house today. My wife and Katie cleaned up the living room while I continued to tackle the bedroom. My wife and Katie also found time to clean up Bobby’s room. Bobby’s not into cleaning much, in fact it’s hard to get him to do anything in this regard. Maybe he will grow out of this phase when he gets older. He does help to take my paper bags of shredded material to the recycling bin though.
Speaking of which, the recycling bin is overflowing. This shows how much documentation, financial records, tax info, credit card statements, etc. that we have accumulated throughout the years. The recycling truck usually comes on Monday’s, but since tomorrow is Labor Day, he won’t be here till Tuesday. We have been putting the overflow recycling material next to the gate that leads to the basement for now.
I came across some old comics from “Free Comic Book Day” while cleaning (see photo to the left). I asked Bobby if he wanted them and he actually said “I hate comics”. He did say he likes regular books but not comics… That’s an amazing comment as I loved them growing up. I even have a ton of collectable old 1960s & 1970s comics in the basement that I was planning on giving him when he got older. Katie likes graphic novels, but she too passed on these comics… Out they go…
There is a new series streaming on Netflix called “Amazing Interiors”. Katie and I have been watching it together. There is this cop from Raleigh who has a large part of his house dedicated to horror movie memorabilia. He has props that have actually been used in various famous movies and shows. It’s interesting that he comes home to this house to relax and unwind. Most people would have a hard time sleeping in it! His girlfriend said that she will not go into these areas to clean when it is dark outside… I wonder why?